every penny.
Available in print or as a full PDF download via Lulu.com!
2006, I agreed to teach a creative-writing class at United Technologies
Center in Bangor, Maine--something that writers aren't supposed to do. The
saying goes that those who can write do write; those who cannot write
teach creative-writing classes. I was comfortable enough with my skills
that I could do both. The goal was to help them through the bumps and
publish a local-interest anthology via a POD.
The class was a stellar success, but
only four students signed up. One decided not to proceed with the
intensive editing and polishing that would go on for months following the
end of the class. I couldn't publish even a local-interest anthology with
just three stories.
So, I offered a story of my own to my
students, who acted as my editor in order for the story to be accepted,
and then I solicited stories from writer colleagues of mine who had been
published. What began as a local-interest anthology took on a life of its
own, and became something of a great success.
It's called Enchantments: The Many
Facets of Magic, and it's just that. Eight writers have penned eight
stories that showcase various types of magic. There's contemporary fantasy,
science-fiction, horror, sword & sorcery, super hero, legendary fantasy,
adventure fantasy, and mainstream fiction, in eight unique styles.
There's something in here for everyone!
From the back of the book:
To our writers, it means many
different things.
MAGIC is a unicorn in rural New
England, even if only the children believe it’s there.
MAGIC is a human finding
impossible love, and breath, deep beneath the dark waves.
MAGIC is a prophecy championed
by elemental wizards fighting against their oppressors.
MAGIC is strange, empowered
objects in a world that is not quite what it seems.
MAGIC is a brilliant scientist
whose potions transform him into a super hero… with a little help.
MAGIC is the love of music found
in a nursing home, binding two unlikely friends together.
MAGIC is finding faith in a
powerful deity, and trusting that his miracles will save an army and a
MAGIC is supernatural witchcraft
wielded by a vengeful and psychotic math teacher.
In Enchantments: The
Many Facets of Magic, eight writers bring
you eight very different perspectives on what magic could be.

Contents - click the
stories to read excerpts, and the author names to visit their Web sites:
Or click here to download a PDF!
This excerpt is of the actual published book,
containing the introduction, the individual
story intros, and the first four
pages of each story.
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click the "Buy Now at Lulu" button below!